Monday, January 19, 2009

Golfing Next Year

This weekend I attempted to make progress in getting a nutritional plan. At 6:30am it was raining pretty heavy, so I setup the trainer and laptop in the garage. This was probably a good thing. My HR stays lower when I'm on the trainer, and it's easy to adjust my nutrition.

Logged on to and started watching 24. Four episodes, 2.5 hours, 1 banana, 2 gu gels, half a clif bar, and 30 oz of gatorade later, I was ready for my run. The plan was to run 16 miles, but my runs have not been going according to plan lately.

I have a 4.5 mile route that I was able to add another half mile to. As expected, I started off way too fast. Goal was 8:30 for the first 5 miles. One would think I would slow down after passing the first mile at 7:30, but I didn't. Maybe I was thinking I wanted to get done faster. Maybe I thought I was in much better shape than I was a few days ago. Maybe I wasn't thinking.

After 5 miles I ate half a banana, mouthful of gatorade, grabbed the headphones, and started the next 5. Passed my house again around mile 10, drank more gatorade, and started the hard part. My first 5 miles of a long run should be at 8:30 pace, and the last 5 should be at 7:40 pace. Miles 11 and 12 felt fine. Mile 13 I wanted to quit. Mile 14 I started to walk, and Mile 15 was basically a cooldown. Mile 16 never happened.

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