Friday, March 27, 2009

Why endurance events?

There's no faking it, and no handicap. It's not who you know, or who's on your team, and it's not as much about natural ability as other activities. For the most part, your performance is a direct result of how much you put into training.

It would be even more fair if you couldn't buy speed, and if everyone didn't get the same finishers medal. Those are such small factors in the grand scheme, it's hardly worth mentioning.

To compare with strength training - I hate the gym. Traveling there, public showers, shared equipment, crowded, bad music, to get the list started. Get me outside where I can sing loudly, enjoy the scenery (without leering at the one hot chick in the gym), listen to the dogs, mowers,birds, waves, and leaves in the wind. Workout equipment at home takes care of most of those things, but I just can't confine myself to one room for 10+ hours a week.

Team sports - They don't allow you to practice at your convience, it's on their time. The performance is determined in part by myself, but mostly by the team. I want results that reflect what I put into it.

Measured results - Some people have the personality that doesn't require a competition. They want to exercise to live longer, socialize, or look better. I need a race. I get nervous about the races, and even get nervous about the hard workouts that will improve my race. The race is the reward for all the work. When the race is happening, I'm not having fun, but as soon as it's done... that's when it's all worth it. I sit back and know that my work has paid off, or know what I need to do for better results. There's no wondering if I'm getting the results I want. I know for certain if I've achieved my goal or not.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Road Trip

2 weeks from my marathon I spent the weekend driving nearly 2000 miles.

Thursday - In the morning I ran with the 6 @ 6 group. After work I started driving to Ohio. That night I slept in the car at a rest stop because I'm too cheap to get a hotel. Next time I need to bring a blanket because covering up with extra shirts and sweatpants is not effective. I slept supprising well from 11:00 to 2:00, then drove for an hour and slept again from 3:00 to 7:00.

Friday was all driving. At one point I stopped long enough for a 10 min easy run. It's tough to do a workout without sweating, but I tried.

Saturday - No training. Drove from Lima to Fremont to Massillon filling up a rental truck. Went to bed about 1:00 and got up at 6:00.

Sunday - Woke up tired and no training for the 3rd day in a row. Drove from 6:00am till after midnight.

Monday - 6 miles at lunch, then another 14 miles after work. Went right to bed after the 14 miles instead of getting an ice bath. Tuesday and Wednesday I felt the soreness from skipping the ice bath.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Saturday - What I wanted to do was a 30 mile bike ride and 5 mile run. What I did was lose my Garmin on the bike ride, then lose my wedding ring while searching for the Garmin.

Sunday - Goal was to warm up with 8:30 min/mile then knock out 9 mile at 7:10, followed by 8:30's for a total of 18 miles. Wife was a gem to ride her bike with me to let me know every 1/2 mile that went by. However, my warmup was too fast, the first few miles at race pace were too fast, and my nutrition plan was horrible. Took a PowerBar Gel at 30 min, 45 min, 75 min, then whenever I remembered. These are about 22 calories each, so I planned on taking one every 15 min. Left the endurolyte pills in the car. It was very hot and humid, so if I ever needed them, Sunday was the time. Whatever... it was a good workout and I had good company. It just wasn't the race rehersal that I wanted.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Failed Workouts

Someday when I'm going over my training logs and trying to figure out what worked and what didn't work, I might want to know why I did what's logged. This was my main goal of the blog, but it's ended up being more about my thoughts, and less about facts. Today I'll try to get closer to that original purpose.

Feb 1st, 2009 - 11.2 miles and the end of a painful football season. One excuse after another, but I did finally get out the door about an hour before kickoff. Felt great. Should of kept going, but the game had already started and we had company coming over, so I stopped early.

Week of Feb 9. Took 3 days off instead of my usual 1 day. 10 miles short for week.

Week of Feb 16. Another 3 days off because the long day on Feb 15 was a marathon with no following ice bath. Long run goal was 18, with 12 at MP. Quit the run at 13 (6 at MP) because I couldn't keep up.

Week of Feb 23. Tried the 5 mile tempo run but could only hang on for 3 miles. 20 mile LR the day after felt fine. Possibly lacked motivation for tempo run or the 30 mile bike ride before killed my legs.