Monday, March 2, 2009

Failed Workouts

Someday when I'm going over my training logs and trying to figure out what worked and what didn't work, I might want to know why I did what's logged. This was my main goal of the blog, but it's ended up being more about my thoughts, and less about facts. Today I'll try to get closer to that original purpose.

Feb 1st, 2009 - 11.2 miles and the end of a painful football season. One excuse after another, but I did finally get out the door about an hour before kickoff. Felt great. Should of kept going, but the game had already started and we had company coming over, so I stopped early.

Week of Feb 9. Took 3 days off instead of my usual 1 day. 10 miles short for week.

Week of Feb 16. Another 3 days off because the long day on Feb 15 was a marathon with no following ice bath. Long run goal was 18, with 12 at MP. Quit the run at 13 (6 at MP) because I couldn't keep up.

Week of Feb 23. Tried the 5 mile tempo run but could only hang on for 3 miles. 20 mile LR the day after felt fine. Possibly lacked motivation for tempo run or the 30 mile bike ride before killed my legs.

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