Friday, April 24, 2009

Weak Week

After promising to bike every day, I stopped after only 3 days. My requirement was only 15 min a day, and I couldn't stick to it. 15 min a day isn't going to improve my fitness drastically, but it would help a lot with my following through on commitments and creating a good new habit.

The excuse I had for skipping yesterday's 15 min easy bike ride was so I could sleep earlier and get a better quality workout this morning. Quality did NOT happen.

Woke up 30 min before the alarm to the sound of my sprinklers spraying through the window and into the bedroom. Instead of shutting the window, I immediately headed for the garage to turn off the sprinklers. Only problem was the bedroom door was shut. I hit it at full speed. Now I was awake.

Being wide awake, did I use the extra 30 min to workout? Nope, I debated on what route to take. When I finally left, I did not have enough time to finish my 28 mile route. After 1/2 a mile, I concluded it was way too foggy to be out on the road, so I went back home, took time to setup a computer so I could watch 24 while on the trainer. Maybe I need to sign up for a race that's before fall in order to get motivated.

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