Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nutrition Test 1

56 mile bike at 17.8MpH. Ave HR 119.
9 mile run at 8:33/mile. Ave HR 156.
Calories consumed per hour 190.

Weight change:
167.2 pre workout -> 160.2 post workout
Did not track volume of water taken

Pre workout:
2 chocolate chip cookies, Ensure, Banana

During workout:
2 Powerbar Gels (200), 1 GU Roctane (100), 1 PBJ sandwich (300), 30 oz Cytomax (270)

1 Endurolyte during bike, 2 during run

Improvement opportunities:
Use the Endurolytes, don't just toss them in Camelbak
Tape nutrition to bike instead of leaving in Camelbak
No short socks
Run slow after getting off bike
Get enough ice for bath
Setup bike, clothes, and nutrition the night before
Try fig newtons

No stomach issues. Calories per hour was not too high. No soreness or fatigue after the workout.

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