Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Red Bull

I'm tired of finding out how far I'm going, then what my average speed will be, then how long it will take, then take the number of hours multiplied by 300 calories per hour, and packing the needed calories. For this ride, I found a Ziploc of 9 strawberry newtons, made a pbj sandwich, left the 2 Clif bars in my Camelbak, and stuffed a handful of gels in my jersey. I was going to take two 20oz bottles of Cytomax, but one of my bottles already had cold water in it, so I only took 20oz of sports drink.

Mile 36 I stopped at a gas station and filled up my empty Cytomax bottle with Gatorade. Average speed to this point was 18.8MPH. My goal was to keep it between 17 and 18 MPH.

Next stretch was 30 miles where I kept my average speed at a much better 17.8MPH. I felt good, but I think I slowed down taking in calories during this stretch. Over the next 20 miles I felt like crap. My back was sore, no energy, sweat in my eyes, legs were tired, you name it, and I had it. Thoughts of laying on the grasss and taking a nap went through my head. I stopped and connected my earphones so I could call Travis and continue riding. Anything to take my mind off how miserable I was. Our conversation didn't last long, so I had to find something else. 20 miles at 16.2MPH, and it felt like I was giving it all I had.

I couldn't remember the last time I took in calories, so at 4hrs 10min I took another gel even though I didn't want to. Shortly after that I stopped at a gas station to buy a Red Bull. Caffeine has never helped in the past, but I had hope. The gel I just took had caffeine, Red Bull did, and the last 2 gels also had it. There was no long brick planned, so I just needed enough umph to get me 12 miles on my bike. Shortly after the gas station I took my 2nd gel, and washed it down with the Red Bull that I put in my water bottle.

To my surprise, it appeared to be working. I'm sure it was partially because I was near home, and the fact that I now had fresh calories, and maybe even the caffeine. At 4hrs and 50min I decided to take my last gel. That was 460 calories in the last 40 minutes. Whoa, that's a lot. I pictured myself walking into a buffet with my trainer and bike for my next long ride. Last 12 miles of the ride at 18.2MPH and felt good.

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