Monday, July 6, 2009

Group Ride to End the Week

With 98 miles on Friday, I planned on some easy miles Saturday, then a long ride Sunday to get 300 for the week. Why I choose to meet up with a group, I have no idea. I rode with them once last year, and knew nobody, so it's not like I felt obligated.

There did happen to be one person there that I knew. Johnny is the fastest tri guy in our small city. I've only talked to him about 5 times, but I look forward to training with him over the next few years and tapping into his years of experience.

Around the halfway point we stopped at a gas station. I made the comment that I'd break off and head back home since I only brought 2 water bottles and 2 gels. I had not planned on 70+ miles. Johnny was "nice" enough to offer to buy me some water, thus negating part of my excuse to head back early. There was also a reference to me being an Ironman, that was meant
to encourage me to tough it out. Against my better judgment, I stayed.

Although tired, it wasn't hard to keep up for the next 20 miles or so. However, at the end of a long gradual ascent, I couldn't keep up. About 100m after I dropped back, they stopped at another gas station to rest and refuel. It was less than 20 miles to get back, and I thought I would be fine.

Most pulls were around 22-23 MPH, and felt easy when drafting. Then Johnny would pull 25 MPH and I'd die. To make things harder, I was right behind him, so it was my turn to pull after being beat. After my pull I fell to the back and Johnny dropped back just a bit farther so I could catch his draft and catch back up to the group. What a nice guy. Someday when I'm a strong rider I'll have to remember to do that for someone struggling.

Home was getting closer, and I thought I was going to make it, until Johnny was pulling again. 5 miles from the finish and I couldn't stick to his wheel. Very disappointed with myself.

When I got back to the start of the group ride, I was still 7 miles from home. I'd been without water or calories for over an hour, so I called my wife. She asked if I needed picked up, and I just told her to bring cold water and sports drink and I could ride home. I stopped sweating a while ago, and now my skin was clammy and very salty. Dehydration is not how I wanted to end my ride. Next time I'll be prepared.

85 miles on Wednesday, 98 on Friday, and I felt fine after both. The 60 miles with a group on Saturday killed me. Monday morning my legs are still sore.

Cytomax - 40oz - 450 cal
Hammer Gels - 2 - 200 cal
Time - 3.5 hours (185 cal/hr)

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