Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Short Century

Took a wrong turn today on my first attempt at a solo century. It's only fitting since my only other century I also took a wrong turn. Both times resulting in less milage, so I've yet to pass the 100 miles/day mark.

Started at 6:30 this morning after having a small banana and an Ensure. High temp of 92 today, but I was lucky to have some cloud cover. Just about drained all 100 oz of my Camelbak, and the second 20 oz bottles of Cytomax emptied around mile 75. In addition to the sports drink, I had 6 fig newtons, PBJ sandwich, and 3 PowerBar Gels. Thought about stopping to buy a Red Bull but didn't test it today. Forgot about the banana or I would of ate it.


Fig - 300
PBJ - 327
40oz Cytomax - 450
gels - 300
Total - 1377 (275 per hour)

Endurolytes - 8
weight loss < 8 lbs
miles - 84.2
time - 4:54:47
Avg HR - 118

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