Friday, July 3, 2009

2nd Long Ride of Week

Took a few wrong turns that added some miles, but still only 98.3 miles today. The speed and average HR were up some from Wednesday's ride and it felt good.


Shortly after leaving I realized I forgot my gels. I thought it wouldn't be a problem since I had other calories.

Ran out of Endurolytes around mile 70. Next time I'll top off the container instead of guessing there will be enough.

Sports drink ran out about mile 70 also. This would not of been a problem if I was smart enough to buy a refil at the gas station. However, the only thing I could think about was buying more water since I ran out of that.

figs - 12 - 600 calories
gatorade - 20 oz - 75 calories
cytomax - 20 oz - 225 calories
pbj - 327 calories
honey gels - 3 - 300 calories
total calories - 1527 (277 per hour)
water - 140 oz
hours - 5.5
temp at finish - 95

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